Does your relationship with food feel like a tricky one? Maybe even negative or obsessive?
Do you think about food all the time?
Do you feel motivated during the day, but have zero willpower at night?
Do you know all the macro and calorie counts of food, but still have no idea what to eat?
Do you try to keep certain foods (candy, cakes, chips, etc.) in the house because you have no willpower around them?
Do you find yourself feeling defeated and overwhelmed with food?
Are you constantly trying the latest fad diet?
Are you sick of “starting over” every Monday or January 1st?
That would mean you would…
For most of my adult life I struggled with my weight and my relationship with food. I would constantly berate myself because I wasn’t happy with how I looked and how I felt.
I just wanted to feel confident and good in my body. So I tried diet after diet – I was constantly looking for the next “food plan” or “healthy lifestyle” to make me feel better about myself.
None of them were sustainable.
I felt defeated and like a failure.
When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I went down the dieting road again with extreme elimination diets, gluten-free, dairy-free, Whole 30, and my symptoms of inflammation got worse!
Once again, I felt like a failure.
After years of “starting over” every Monday morning, I went searching for a new way. That’s when I discovered an entirely new approach to health called Intuitive Eating.
Which led me to some pretty incredible results….
I learned how to eat and take care of myself in ways that felt good, not like a punishment.
I felt a new freedom and confidence with food and my body.
I was no longer obsessing and counting food.
I even felt confident and relaxed around food.
Then I started working with my clients in this non-diet approach. . .
They experienced the same peace with food, feeling satisfied & enjoying the food they ate.
Here’s what I know….
By the time a woman reaches her 45th birthday, it is estimated that she has tried 61 diets, food plans, programs, lifestyle changes, detoxes, and cleanses.
Diets have a 97% failure rate. Research shows that while diets may result in immediate weight loss, there is no sustained weight loss after 3-5 years with any diet plan.
The number one predictor of weight gain is dieting.
Diets cause slowed metabolism, weight gain and even increases stress and inflammation in the body.
You are not a failure, the diets were the failure all along.
I used to constantly search for the secret hack that I thought everyone else knew. It makes perfect sense that I was always searching for a smaller body and “perfect food plan” because this was what I was taught since I was a little girl.
When I stopped focusing on losing weight and looking for that magic diet that might cure my autoimmune and fibromyalgia, I finally was able to create a whole new relationship with food.
When I started to embrace Intuitive Eating, not only was I able to tune into what my body needed in the form of food, but also to what my body was telling me it needed in other ways to reduce inflammation. I was able to work on improving my relationship with food and body and even accepting my chronic illness for what it is.
I had a whole new outlook on my health, food and body image. And now I want to help you experience this.
Intuitive Eaters have higher self-esteem, life satisfaction, and body appreciation, along with greater motivation to exercise. They also have less emotional eating, fewer binge eating episodes, and lower blood pressure.
The principles of Intuitive Eating allow you to reestablish trust with yourself and create a healthy relationship with food and your body.
You don’t need to count every macro, calorie or point that you eat every single meal for the rest of your life.
You can have a relationship with food that feels free and light – without overthinking!
In this program, I will guide you through a process that allows you to accomplish all of this!
Over 14 days, I will lead through a powerful process that will help you finally make peace with food.
In this program you will:
Join this program if you want to transform your relationship with food and your body!
In this program, I will take you step-by-step through a powerful process so you can say goodbye to dieting, remove the guilt and shame from foods so you can enjoy them again and have a plan for creating healthy daily habits without the punishment of diet culture.
"“Through this program I was able to cultivate a new relationship with food. Now I can start to release the shame with different foods and really know which foods make me feel like I am thriving in life.”"
Lauren Leitner
"“As a person with an autoimmune condition, I have struggled with eating 'the right way' for my body, and as a result struggled with trying to lose weight as a means to controlling my condition. This often meant not having foods that I enjoy or foods that have social and cultural significance for me. After going through the program, I have accepted that all foods are neutral, and even with my autoimmunity, I can enjoy all foods in a way that honors my body and my health. I have changed my perspective when it comes to eating. When I eat, I feel freer, more satisfied, and literally more at peace with my plate.”"
Krisann Friday
"“Before the program I thought I healed my relationship with food, having worked many decades to find peace with it. I thought I was in a pretty good place, nutritionally, physically and emotionally. Through this program, I was gently guided to see my blindspots about diet culture and how it STILL affected my eating habits and food choices and how this mentality showed up in my life with more food rules that were still keeping me stuck and obsessed with food! After 14 days of intuitive eating, I am developing a deeper sense of awareness and respect for what a truly healthy relationship with food looks like when I become more curious about my thoughts and my habits. The result is truly a more peaceful plate!”"
Beth G.
You will be supported through this entire 14 day process. We will have 5 live coaching calls where I will guide you through our Make Peace with your Plate™ method. You will be able to ask questions, share and receive coaching on these calls. These live calls are a tremendous value.
Can’t make the call live? you can watch the replays at any time. Don’t let a call date prevent you from joining. You’ll still get a ton of value from a replay and a 1:1 consultation as a bonus ($100 value)
You’ll have daily personal support and coaching from me, along with the support of your fellow participants, so you can experience transformation, connection and encouragement.
This Guidebook will be an amazing resource to support you in between your live group coaching calls. It introduces you to the concepts of a non-diet approach to your relationship with food and your body.
For 14 days of this program, you will receive a short daily email with a short teaching, along with a brief daily assignment. Think of it as having a coach in your email box every single morning!
Support your process of building your Intuitive Eating cues of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction with this Client Journal. This special journal goes hand in hand with the 5 live coaching calls and Client Guidebook.
A simple roadmap for you to follow without strict rules and restrictions. This is focused on simple self care and feeling good! Say goodbye to stress, overwhelm and frustration.
These recipes get RAVE reviews from my clients! Because the recipes are so delicious, you will find this experience is about pleasure and you will start to find joy with food again. From smoothies & salads to curries, soups, and stir-frys, you’re bound to find your favorites and there are recipes for all levels of kitchen abilities. The recipes are provided as inspiration, not a rigid meal plan. In fact, there’s no requirement to use the recipes.
Newbies and kitchen pros alike will appreciate these simple time-saving strategies. You will easily turn these food prep practices into consistent and sustainable habits.
We’ll talk about your experience during the program so we can fine tune things further for you and we’ll discuss personalized next steps and strategies to help you continue your journey to making peace with your plate!
"“ In the past I tried intuitive eating on my own and never stuck. Through this program I developed understanding and compassion for myself and my body. My relationship with food is better because food is no longer the enemy. My personal relationship with my partner is better now too. We support each other on this journey. I look forward to continuing with intuitive eating because I feel so much better physically, mentally, and emotionally.”"
Shana Bickford
"“Through participating in this program, I brought greater awareness to my eating habits and learned to eat in a way that positively satisfied my hunger and resulted in less binge eating and emotionally-driven eating. I am learning to be more in tune with the foods that feel best in my body and give me more energy, while also enjoying an occasional treat without guilt or shame.”"
"“Before the program, I had ‘orthorexic’ tendencies ... obsessed with clean eating. I felt constantly backed up against a wall because my food options became so limited. I was always making food (and myself) wrong. There was no joy or satisfaction. It was a stressful, disempowering way to live. As a result of this program, my mind and body feel SO much happier and more aligned. Rather than imprisoning myself with diet culture food rules and restrictions, I’m now more empowered to focus on eating with presence, gratitude, joy and satisfaction. I am more relaxed and at ease with trusting that my body knows best what, when, and how much to eat at any given moment. While all foods are still ‘on the table’ for me, I find myself gravitating more naturally to foods with more nutrients. This program has been a gift for me! The time and energy I'd spent obsessing over food is now freed up to apply to what truly nourishes me most ... loving, meaningful, soulful connections with others and with myself.”"
Mary Beth
I have held nothing back in creating this program for you. I want you to live a life free from diet culture, obsessive counting and feeling defeated with food, so I’m giving you all the tools and support you need to start your path to making peace with your plate.
Because I want you to experience the amazing results possible in this program, once the program materials have been sent out, there are no refunds. I have created this policy so that we are both accountable for your success. I am here to support you every step of the way!
Here’s my honest answer…
Yes. No. Maybe.
The desire to lose weight is totally normal, that’s what we have been taught- thin equals healthy/good/valuable. Weight loss isn’t bad, but it can get in the way of healing your relationship with food.
I will invite you to spend 2 weeks focusing on establishing a healthy relationship with food, instead of weight loss. Just to try it out and see how it affects your relationship with food.
By the time women are 45 years old, statistics show that they have tried at least 61 different diets and food plans. As a result, the dieting industry is a 71-billion-dollar industry that has women doubting themselves and their bodies.
After a lifetime of trying to shrink your body, don’t you think it will be a welcome relief to spend two weeks focused on healing your relationship with food and your body?
In this program, some people lose weight, some gain weight. Both of those results may be healthy for each body.
This is a weight-neutral program, weight loss is not the focus. Remember that thin does not equal health. Health is defined by each individual. Health is evident in different shapes and sizes of bodies.
Applying a weight-neutral approach to your life is freeing. It allows you to focus on healthy behaviors in your control. It’s a powerful shift.
Instead of focusing on weight loss, in this program, we will focus on health behaviors and the thoughts and emotions behind them. We will begin to unpack the Restrict-Rebel-Guilt cycle of chronic dieting that so many people are stuck in.
Along with health behaviors, we will address the root causes of emotional eating patterns. The program is grounded in the principles of Intuitive Eating which are research and science-based. I believe that all bodies are good bodies. The pursuit of weight loss is more damaging mentally and physically to the body.
The recipes do not follow a directive nutrition plan that eliminates whole food groups. In case you are wondering, there are plenty of vegan and vegetarian options.
Instead of eliminating food groups, we will work to grow your inner attunement to hunger, fullness, and satisfaction cues, along with rejecting the diet mentality with food. We will practice perceiving all foods as neutral, rather than good and bad foods. This is one of the critical mindset shifts to ending emotional and binge eating, along with anxiety around food.
No, not in the typical diet sense. I believe in body autonomy. This process is about you trusting your own body rather than looking towards external rules. An important part of detaching from diet culture is learning what works for your body. I will guide you through a process to learn more about how you feel when you eat different foods and what best supports your body. We will focus on including foods that will satiate you, give you energy throughout the day, and support your mood.
No, mindful eating is an important tool used in Intuitive Eating (and this program), but we will go much deeper.
We will dismantle diet culture so you’re able to understand how it has impacted how you think and feel about food. This is the often missing piece to healing your relationship with food.
In this program you will:
There are 5 live coaching calls that will last about 60 minutes. You can always watch the replays, if the times don’t match your schedule.
The daily assignments will take 10-30 minutes a day, depending on how much time you want to put into it. Many of the assignments don’t take any extra time – they are simply inviting you into greater awareness and mindfulness around food, eating, emotions, and your relationship with your body – so you can shift them.
Noom, Paleo, and Whole30 all have elements of restriction – where certain foods are forbidden and villainized or where the goal is to restrict calories.
This is the “old” way of approaching health and wellness.
I created this program because the old ways of “good” and “bad” foods and restrictions were not working for my clients. It only created a more stressful relationship with food.
I knew my clients needed a different approach, and I’m guessing you’re probably looking for a plan that offers a fresh path.
This program is based on an innovative, highly-effective, evidence-based approach that allows you to experience more peace, joy, and fulfillment with food and in your life.
This is a unique departure from what’s been traditionally offered in health and wellness.
This program is based on the principles of Intuitive Eating, where all foods fit. There are no food rules to follow.
This program allows you to prioritize your physical health, along with emotional and mental health. – which allows you to experience an easeful relationship with food and your body.
Yes, it’s great that you already have a start, let’s build on it! I love when my clients have read the book, Intuitive Eating (but it’s not required!). There’s so much power in practicing a non-diet approach to food with a coach (that’s me!) to support you – along with a like-minded community. Ditching dieting can feel isolated at times, like you are the only one in the world on this journey. I hope you will join us for community, connection and deepening of your Intuitive Eating practice!
While I encourage you to participate on the live calls as much as you are able, recordings will be available, so you can listen on your own schedule.
You don’t have to be ready, just open minded to a new approach.
It’s totally normal that you may feel a sense of safety and security in the world of dieting. All of us have been raised in a diet culture and thin ideal obsessed society, so it’s only normal that dieting feels comforting to you.
One of the first things we will work on in this program is uncovering the lies you’ve been taught by diet culture.
Thinking you need to have the perfect body or have food all figured out to start this process is one of the many lies of diet culture.
I hope you will put your trust in yourself to start this healing process. I will be honored to guide you.
"“This program confirmed that letting my body guide me in my nutritional choices, as opposed to letting diet culture direct my nutritional choices, will give myself the freedom, ease, joy and health that I deserve. This course allowed me to see how my emotions and relationship with my body and plate influence what I put in my mouth to eat. I definitely learned to make peace with my plate. This program is revolutionary!”"
Pamela Bartee
"“Before the program, I was already doing some form of Intuitive Eating. However, through this program I experienced a new level of awareness around letting go of the guilt. I was able to tune in on a deeper level to my body's wisdom to experience the freedom of what it feels like to eat and live guilt free. I felt more at peace and satisfied.”"
Josephene Brown
"“Before I enrolled in the program I was searching for something different. I knew that the ‘next best’ diet did not sit well with me. As I went through the program I became less focused on all that's right and wrong, the should and shouldn't. It helped me hear the stressful self-talk and I learned how to ‘chill’ around eating experiences. I see how my anxieties have also calmed down in relationship to meal time, and foods.”"
Adiba Twigg
"“Through this program I've enjoyed a deeper sense of self-love and a new "gentle relationship" with food.”"
Kim Jacques
"“Before this program I had a very unhealthy relationship with food. I was caught in the horrible cycle of depriving myself of food for a while, then overeating in a frenzy, feeling shame, and then rinse and repeat. This program taught me to slow down, eat mindfully and for pleasure, that ALL foods fit, and that I’d rather LOVE ME than live the rest of my life trying to ‘lose the last 5-10 pounds.’ Through this experience I’ve learned new tools to greatly decrease emotional eating and heal my relationship with food.”"
Andrea Munsey
"“Before participating in the program I was definitely labeling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and feeling guilty if I ate something ‘bad’. This would mostly happen when I was stressed and would use food as a form of comfort! This program has given me so much insight and understanding into my pattern of emotionally eating and I now feel confident that I can meet my emotional needs without overindulging in food! I now see how damaging the diet culture is and how prevalent it is in society! This is truly a life changing program which I would 100% recommend to anyone wanting to recalibrate their relation with food and their body!”"
Shirley Avis
"“Before the program, I had a very standardized diet. I ate nearly the same meals every day, even when going out to restaurants. It was a way of eating I had identified as ‘healthy’. Through the program, I realized I was limiting myself more than necessary with this fairly rigid behavior of "acceptable" foods to eat. I am exploring now, being more cognizant of foods that are healthy and also bring enjoyment!”"
Donna Pivnick
If you have any questions or concerns about the program or if you don’t want to wait until February 19th and would like to go this program in a 1:1 setting, let’s chat!
Email me at