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Get Our Fibro Food Formula For Just $37

Knowing what you should be eating is a whole lot easier than actually changing how you eat, especially when you are flattened by fibromyalgia symptoms.  In reality, trying to shop, cook, and eat healthy food with fibro can seem like an insurmountable challenge.

To use food to reduce inflammation with fibromyaliga, you have to find your optimum fibro food formula.  There’s no magic diet out there that will do the trick.  You have to find what works for YOU!  This mini-course will help you find which foods make you feel bad, which foods make you feel good and, of course, do it by expending as little energy as possible.

Yes, Sign Me Up Now!

What You Will Learn

This course was developed for women with fibromyalgia who are ready to be proactive about their healing process but don’t know where to begin.

This program includes:

  • Plans to help you improve digestion and nutrition.
  • Easy recipes that require few ingredients and minimal preparation time.
  • The role of food and fibromyalgia
  • Ways to manage a health-conscious lifestyle.

If we haven’t met yet… I’m Tiffany.

I help women with fibromyalgia and autoimmune who are frustrated with their healing progress discover powerful keys to symptom-relief with methods that are fast, effective, encouraging, and a whole lot of fun.

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2016 after several months of pain that had become so widespread that at times I could barely function. It took several months of seeing several doctors and no one could tell me why I was in so much pain, but they were willing to keep writing prescriptions–I felt like I was being experimented on, and I wanted nothing to do with it anymore.

I was determined to find another way to live the rest of my life. That’s when I went back to school to become a Functional Wellness Practitioner and Master Herbalist. I was able to use what I learned to heal my own body and I’ve been able to help others overcome or prevent chronic illness.

Here’s the bottom line … I’ve done it myself. I have personally navigated the path of transforming my fibromyalgia body from near-disability (walking with a cane) to fully restored health. I live today 80-90% pain-free. Because I’m so grateful for my own recovery, I guide others to do the same.