Unwanted Eating?

Your eating feels out of control and really frustrating.  You find that one the “I want to eat…” whirlwind starts, it’s impossible to stop.

I’ve been there.  It sucks. 

But, I’ve also developed ways to heal this part of my relationship with food.  It’s taken years of trial and error, and now I do it professionally.  So, I wanted to share my top tips for free.  


Get Yours Now!

Ready for Freedom?

This quick guide gives a simple 4-step way to get you out of that unwanted eating place and back in the driver’s seat. You’ll feel:

  • Calmer
  • More in control
  • Able to enjoy your food
  • No fear of your eating

Imagine a peaceful and joyful relationship with food. It’s closer than you think

"Hello! I'm Tiffany. The Diet Break Up Mentor.
I know you feel out of control with food. I get it because I’ve been there.
I’m here to tell you there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with you. You’re not broken.
Are you’re skeptical of people (or diets) overpromising and under delivering?
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to end your struggle with food?
Are you’re ready to put an end to emotional eating?
The way I work with clients is different. My techniques are based on academic research. What does this mean? Quite simply, they work"


4 Steps to Stop Your Emotional Eating

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